Negotiations Update

August 9, 2024  - All TCRC Members,

The Canadian Industrial Relations Board has released their decision regarding the Minister of Labour’s referral of maintenance of activities agreements between the TCRC and CN and CPKC.

To quickly summarize the decision, the primary issue before the board was whether the maintenance of activities agreement(s) previously entered by the parties was sufficient to ensure compliance with Section 87.4(1) of the Code in the event of a work stoppage. Ultimately, it was whetherthe bargaining unit must continue the supply of services, operation of facilities or production of goods to the extent necessary to prevent an immediate and serious danger to the safety or health of the public.”

On that issue, the board has decided that a work stoppage at either carrier would not result in such an immediate and serious danger. This verifies that the agreements previously entered were proper and appropriate. The TCRC considers this a successful decision that confirms the membership’s rights to withdraw services if required. 

As previously updated, both CN and CPKC’s written submissions to the board had requested 30-day extensions of the cooling off period from the date of the decision. On this request the board has decided,

In these circumstances, the Board is prepared to put the parties back in the position they were in when the ministerial referral was made on May 9, 2024. On that date, there were 13 days left in the 21-day statutory cooling-off period that applied to these parties under section 89(1)(d) of the Code. Consequently, the Board imposes an equivalent 13-day cooling-off period for the purposes of section 89(1)(d) of the Code.

What is the result? The TCRC will continue to push for a negotiated settlement with both carriers. Discussions will immediately take place to continue the process and arrange dates to meet. Today’s decision strengthens your bargaining committee’s resolve to achieve a settlement, and we thank the membership for your patience during this process.

Regarding any potential work stoppage, the earliest a strike or lockout could possibly occur is August 22nd at 0001 with 72-hours’ notice of such being the minimum.

The General Committees will be confirming arrangements as before, ensuring the entire affected membership is prepared for any outcome. In the event any Division requires assistance or has questions please reach out to those appropriate bodies. 

The TCRC is focusing our message to the public and will remain consistent throughout this entire process. As a result, any media requests put to any member must be forwarded to;

Christopher Monette
Director of Public Affairs
Teamsters Canada
Cell: 514-226-6002

As always, developments will be relayed to the membership through all means available. Please download the TCRC App as it is the quickest and most comprehensive source in this regard.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, we remain,

In Solidarity,

PDF Copy of this letter

Dave Fulton
General Chairman - CTY West

Greg Lawrenson 
General Chairman - LE West

Wayne Apsey 
General Chairman - CTY East

Ed Mogus
General Chairman - LE  East

Mark Kernaghan  
General Chair                                                            
TCRC Central LE

Jean-Michel Hallé 
General Chair                                                            
TCRC Lines East LE

Jason Bailey 
General Chair                                                             

KC James 
General Chair                                                           

Jim Lennie
General Chair                                                            
TCRC Central CTY

Ray Donegan
General Chair                                                            

Alain Gatien
General Chair                                                           
TCRC Lines East CTY

Paul Boucher - TCRC President
Ryan Finnson - TCRC Vice President
Chris Lowe - National Secretary-Treasurer - TCRC
Don Ashley - National Legislative Director - TCRC