Bulletin 16

October 9, 2024,


Sisters and Brothers:

This bulletin is to advise you that today FMCS has appointed William Kaplan as the arbitrator in the interest arbitration of our Collective Agreements with CPKC, including the Consolidated Collective Agreement, the Kawartha Lakes Railway Agreement, and the Kootenay Valley Railway Agreement.

Arbitrator Kaplan has also been appointed as the arbitrator for the RTCs at CPKC. Also, he is the agreed upon arbitrator in the interest arbitration for the TCRC’s Collective Agreement at CN Rail.

We have not yet established any dates to commence the mediation/arbitration process. As soon as dates have been established, we will update the membership.

Please note that Brother Dennis Psichogios is now the elected General Chairman for the CTY East, and Brother Joe Bishop is now the Interim General Chairman for the LE East. We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to Brothers Wayne Apsey and Ed Mogus for their many years of dedicated service to and leadership of the TCRC in their respective positions as General Chairman CTY East and General Chairman LE East, and the many other positions they have held. We wish them all the best in what comes next for both.

We will keep you informed of any further developments.

In Solidarity,

Dave Fulton 
General Chairman - CTY West 

Dennis Psichogios 
General Chairman - CTY East

Greg Lawrenson
General Chairman - LE West

Joe Bishop
General Chairman - LE East

cc: Paul Boucher – TCRC President, Ryan Finnson – TCRC Vice President, Chris Lowe – TCRC Treasurer