Negotiations Update

August 9, 2024 - All TCRC Local Chairs – CPKC Eastern and Western Regions – Negotiations Bulletin 11

Your Bargaining Committee met with the Company in Calgary this week and unfortunately, we have been unsuccessful in achieving an agreement at this point. We are continuing to negotiate into the weekend but with all the circumstances that have unfolded today, we felt an update was required now rather than wait till the end of this session of bargaining.

As most Members are now aware, the CIRB’s decision was released today, and advised that there were no essential services to be maintained. The Board further advised that the Company and the Union are now in a position to serve legal notice for strike or lockout to commence at 0001 EST August 22, 2024.

Within a few hours of the Board’s decision, and while we were discussing next steps, the Company released to the media that they are locking out the TCRC RTEs as of 0001 EST, and the RTCs as of 0001 MST, on August 22, 2024. Shortly after that, the Company then notified your Bargaining Committee and FMCS of their intention to lock out our Members. Within their press release the Company stated the following, “In response to opposition from TCRC leadership, CPKC has advised the union representing conductors and locomotive engineers that we will conditionally withdraw the offer for a new modernized, time-based collective agreement.”

Your Union will continue to move forward concentrating on our commitment to our Members to achieve what we believe is most beneficial and fair.

All Local Chairpersons, Division Presidents and Secretary Treasures have received several documents regarding the preparations necessary in the event of a strike or lockout which, as provided earlier in this Bulletin, will be August 22, 2024, at 0001 Eastern Standard Time.

While your Bargaining Committee is committed to negotiating a new Collective Agreement, we must move forward and prepare for the work stoppage. We would ask that everyone assist the Local Executive and Strike Captains in this necessary procedure. Your Bargaining Committee will provide updates and support as needed.

We remain committed to properly negotiating a Collective Agreement and will continue to vigorously advocate for and defend the Members’ best interests.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

We remain, In Solidarity,

PDF Copy of this letter

Dave Fulton
General Chairman - CTY West

Greg Lawrenson 
General Chairman - LE West

Wayne Apsey 
General Chairman - CTY East

Ed Mogus
General Chairman - LE  East

Paul Boucher - TCRC President
Ryan Finnson - TCRC Vice President