
August 18th - All TCRC Local Chairs – CPKC Eastern and Western Regions – Negotiations Bulletin 12

Sisters and Brothers:

This letter is further to our bulletin of August 09, 2024, with respect to our negotiations with the Company.

As you are aware, following the previous Minister of Labour’s referral, the Canadian Industrial Relations Board issued a ruling that no essential services were required, and issued a direction of a 13 day cooling off period, mimicking the position that the parties were in on May 9th.

In part,

“Having carefully reviewed the parties’ submissions and the information received from various affected groups and organizations, the Board is satisfied that, at this time, a strike or lockout at CPKC would not pose an immediate and serious danger to the safety or health of the public. Accordingly, the Board is of the opinion that the parties’ agreement on the maintenance of activities is sufficient to ensure compliance with section 87.4(1) of the Code.”


“Given the circumstances of this case, the Board places the parties back in the position they were in on May 9, 2024, when the ministerial referral was made. Accordingly, the Board orders a 13-day cooling-off period for the purpose of section 89(1)(d) of the Code.”

On the same day that these decisions were rendered, CPKC served its notice to LOCK OUT all employees effective 0001 EDT Thursday August 22nd. This notice is inclusive of all employees working on the Kawartha Lakes Railway, the Kootenay Valley Railway, as well as all CPKC core operations.

Although we can’t say for sure, this action of the company within minutes of the CIRB decision appears on its face to be a ploy to force the government into imposing final and binding arbitration under the guise of the health, safety and economic prosperity of the Canadian people.

Your Union believes in the collective bargaining process to reach a voluntary negotiated settlement.

Each and all of the TCRC’s demands remain outstanding at this point in time. Our bargaining committee is confident in our positions on these issues. We are convinced that the process will result in a fair settlement for all of our members.

We have served 72-Hours-Notice to withdraw our services, to be effective Thursday August 22 at 0001 Eastern Time, to protect the TCRC’s statutory and Charter protected rights to engage in a lawful strike. We are continuing to bargain with the Company and will remain at the table as long as it takes. Your bargaining committee remains committed to achieving an agreement that is acceptable and in line with the demands received by each Division.

There will be more info coming soon in regard to benefits in case of a work stoppage etc.

We thank all TCRC members, The TCRC National Office, and others throughout Teamsters Canada for the continued support you have shown us throughout this process.

We will keep you informed on any further developments.

In Solidarity,

PDF Copy of this letter

Dave Fulton
General Chairman - CTY West

Greg Lawrenson 
General Chairman - LE West

Wayne Apsey 
General Chairman - CTY East

Ed Mogus
General Chairman - LE  East

cc: Paul Boucher, President TCRC, Ryan Finnson, Vice President TCRC, Chris Lowe, S/T TCRC