Negotiations Bulletin 13

August 21st - All TCRC Local Chairs – CPKC Eastern and Western Regions – Negotiations Bulletin 13

Sisters and Brothers:

This letter is further to our bulletin of August 18, 2024, with respect to the current round of bargaining.

On August 18th the Union provided strike notice, consistent with the Canada Labour Code and your Charter rights, in order to protect us from the unfavourable terms of the Company’s lock out notice.

Our legal strike can take place effective 0001 ET Thursday August 22, 2024, concurrent with the effective time of the lockout.

Attached is our notice of strike.

Also attached is the company’s formal lockout notice which was provided to the Union on August 9, showing the Company’s intent to make unilateral changes to the collective agreement. By suspending the grievance procedure as of Thursday, CPKC is effectively rendering the entire agreement unenforceable and inoperable. This creates a dangerous situation where the company could cancel the lockout at the last minute, forcing us to return without the protections provided under the collective agreements.

CPKC is demanding concessions that would make it even harder for workers to predict when they might be called for work, creating a fatigue-related safety risk. They are further demanding major reductions in heldaway pay, as well as reductions to pay for leave provided under the Labour Code. The Company’s so-called “competitive wage increases” do not even cover the reductions they are seeking.

We have also attached to this send out, information regarding emergency health benefits during the work stoppage. As you are aware, all health benefits currently in place with the carriers will cease during this time.

As a result, emergency health benefits have been secured and are attached below. It must be understood these benefits apply to emergency care only, which includes dental and major medical coverage. The claim form is also attached, or alternatively available by contacting a local Union Division Officer.

Today, the Honourable Minister of Labour, Mr. Steven MacKinnon met separately with the parties in Calgary and has conveyed a message encouraging the parties to reach a deal . We know what our membership needs to ratify an agreement and will work to achieve this. If a work stoppage does occur at 0001 ET Thursday,the above information, attachments, and previous protocols have been sent out to all local division executives and members.

We thank all TCRC members, The TCRC National Office, and Teamsters Canada for the continued support you have shown us through these negotiations.

We will keep you informed on any further developments.

In Solidarity,

PDF Copy of this letter

Dave Fulton
General Chairman - CTY West

Greg Lawrenson 
General Chairman - LE West

Wayne Apsey 
General Chairman - CTY East

Ed Mogus
General Chairman - LE  East

cc: Paul Boucher, President TCRC, Ryan Finnson, Vice President TCRC, Chris Lowe, S/T TCRC